Sustainable Development Goals

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    SF has developed photovoltaic power generation projects in the 9 industrial parks in Yiwu, Hefei and Hong Kong, etc. SF has also purchased many new-energy powered vehicles and charging pile equipment to build a clean energy fleet.

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    SF has developed a series of recyclable express containers, including π-Box, constructed a recycling operation platform for data management, and actively cooperated with related parties to build an express packages recycling ecosystem and promote the realization of “zero-waste city”.

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    Targeting at sustainable and intelligent product development, SF actively promotes green and recyclable packaging in logistics, and has constructed a recycling operation platform for data management, and actively cooperated with related parties to build an express packages recycling ecosystem and promote the realization of “zero-waste city”.

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    SF reduces energy consumption in all aspects of express parcel transportation, and increases the number of new energy vehicles through self-purchase, leasing and outsourcing, heading into the goals of “green operation” and “carbon neutrality”.

2023 Key Performance

  • SF carbon efficiency of
    41.1 t CO2e/RMB million revenue
    an improvement of 15.3% compared to the carbon target baseline year (2021)
  • The carbon footprint per shipment
    730.9 g CO2e/piece
    a decrease of 15.1% compared to the carbon target baseline year (2021).
  • Environmental Management System
    Certification 100%
    The business coverage of obtaining ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
  • Green transportation
    31,000+ vehicles
    new-energy powered vehicles had been put into use
  • Green industrial park
    18,390,000 KWH
    renewable energy generation for the year
  • Green packaging
    the use of base paper 43,000 tons & plastics 16,200 tons was reduced by approximately
    through lightweight

Promoting Low Carbon Transportation

  • In order to reduce the impact on the environment and improve energy efficiency during transportation, SF continues to promote green and low carbon transformation of the transportation process.

    In 2023,SF has reduced 374,469 tons of GHG emissions through promoting low carbon transportation.

  • Green land Transportation

    Green land Transportation

    SF expanded the green vehicle fleet through multiple approaches such as self-owned and leased vehicles, to continuously expand the green vehicle fleet size. In 2023, more than 5,000 additional new-energy powered vehicles were put into operation, covering scenarios such as short-haul feeder routes, feeder and end-of-line collection and delivery within cities, as well as primary and secondary trunk routes across provinces and cities. By the end of 2023, over 31,000 new energy vehicles have been placed in service, with a service coverage of 243 cities.

  • Green Aviation

    Green Aviation

    SF achieves green air transport with low energy consumption and high efficiency by optimizing the composition of aircraft types, applying fuel-saving technologies, online platform fuel management, upgrading fuel-saving incentives, optimizing the ground fleet, carrying out energy-saving publicity, and strictly preventing the pollution of waste fuel generated from aircraft maintenance.

Building Green Industrial Parks

  • SF is actively building green and low-carbon industrial parks, promoting green operations in various aspects such as planning and design, warehouse construction, and operational management, based on green infrastructure construction and carbon reduction technological innovation. Through various measures such as installing rooftop photovoltaics, introducing intelligent water and electricity management, and optimizing warehouse space layout, SF comprehensively improves the efficiency and energy-saving benefits of the transfer process, reducing the environmental impact of the transfer process. that are environment-friendly, energy-efficient, and operate with a green ethos. In 2023, SF's industrial parks in Changsha and Foshan obtained the “Class I Green Warehouse” certification by the China Warehousing and Distribution Association (CWDA), while the Guizhou Industrial Park received the “Green Logistics Park” certification issued by the Guizhou Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.

  • Green Industrial Parks

    Green Industrial Parks

    In order to improve the efficiency of property management in the industrial park, SF has set up a property management system, covering property modules such as environmental greening of the park, security and fire management, maintenance and testing of facilities and equipment, etc. By transforming the park’s smart water and electricity meters, SF has established a unified intelligent and visual water and electricity management platform to realize the supervision of electricity and water consumption data in the industrial parks, greatly lifting the operational efficiency of the industrial parks.

  • Renewable Energy

    Renewable Energy

    SF continuously increases the proportion of clean energy usage, actively plans for renewable energy generation projects. As of the end of 2023, SF has a total of 14 industrial park PV projects in operation, with a cumulative installed capacity of 64 MW, and an annual clean energy generation of 18.39 million kWh.

Promoting Green Office

  • SF advocates green office, and encourages employees to follow the low-carbonpractice, forge a green and environmental-friendly working environment under concerted efforts, and build up a resource – and energy-saving company. The Company encourages employees to hold online meetings to avoid unnecessary travels, and take all kinds of energy saving measures to achieve energy saving and emission reduction.

  • Water Management

    Water Management

    SF reinforces the inspection rounds on water equipment at the operating premises, reports any issues on a timely basis, repairs failed equipment, and avoids “waste, spilling, dripping and leakage”of water.

  • Electricity Management

    Electricity Management

    Lights at the workplace will be subject to a planned outage during the periodic idle hours. Employees are encouraged to use natural light first instead of artificial lighting in the daytime to reduce power consumption. At the same time, automatic air conditioning will be dynamically adjusted by season. Through reasonable temperature settings, SF guarantees a comfortable working environment for employees, while reducing the waste of power.

  • Decoration Management

    Decoration Management

    SF regulates regulate the construction of office, require using energy-saving lamps at the decoration sites and strictly comply with the local requirements on noise management, without affecting the lives of local residents. The decoration garbage and wastewater generated during the decoration process are discharged in accordance with green construction standards or recycled by professional third-party companies, to minimize environmental pollution.

Packaging R&D

  • SF firmly carries out the specific requirements of the "9917" Programme for green development of the postal industry, increases investment in R&D of packaging materials, and pursues technology innovation, reform and application of green packaging materials.The Company is oriented to sustainability and intelligence to promote packaging reduction, reusing, recycling and degradability. In 2023, SF decreased carbon emissions by around 540,000 tons through the promotion and use of green packaging.

  • Packaging Reduction

    Packaging Reduction

    SF insists on the reduction, standardized, and scenario-based innovative R&D of 8 categories of materials such as plastic bags, adhesive tape, stickers and seals. By using lightweight, compact and foldable design, SF cuts down the consumption of plastics.In 2023, the Company reduced the use of base paper by around 43,000 tons, plastics by around 162,000 tons, carbon emissions by 164,000 tons by packaging reduction.

  • Recyclable Package

    Recyclable Package

    Based on different business scenarios, SF continuously explores and develops recyclable packaging containers that are suitable for various scenarios and possess comprehensive functionalities. This enables the standardization of container and carrier applications, successfully reducing product damage rates, shortening operation times, and effectively cutting operational costs. In 2023, SF actively pushed forward the innovative research and development of recyclable packaging containers and developed a series of packaging suitable for 19 different scenarios. This not only enhances the efficiency of the Company's internal operational infrastructure but also provides customers with superior and convenient recycling packaging solutions.In 2023, SF's recyclable packaging initiatives contributed to a total carbon emission reduction of approximately 377,000 tons.

  • Degradable package

    Degradable package

    SF carries forward its ongoing commitments to R&D of biodegradable packaging materials, and proactively builds up a technology reserve for biodegradable packaging materials. "Feng Bag" independently developed by SF has been widely promoted and used across the country As of the end of 2023, SF has cumulatively deployed hundreds of millions of biodegradable packaging "Feng Bag" in regions including Beijing, Hainan, Guangzhou, and northern Zhejiang.

Promoting Circular Economy

  • In response to the country’s call for the full implementation of a circular economy, SF has put in place the improvement of resource efficiency and the reduction of GHG emissions as the direction of green development, cooperating with the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to jointly contribute to the construction of “zero-waste cities”.

  • Development of Green Industry

    Development of Green Industry

    SF is actively engaged in building a circular ecosystem for express packages, comprehensively promoting the verification and practice of a closed-loop chain from developing industry standards, conducting technological research, to the realization of express packages recycling. We also optimize the use of plastic recycling approaches, and work with upstream and downstream enterprises to explore a new model of reasonable reuse of recycled plastics, in order to lay a solid foundation for building a complete system of "plastic packaging design – production – consumption – recycling -regeneration – high-value application".In 2023, SF continued to improve the closed-loop model of recycling and regeneration of express bags, and completed the technological innovation and implementation of "Double Easy" (easy to recycle, easy to regenerate) bags through in-depth cooperation with upstream and downstream enterprises. SF has completed the research and development of the regeneration formula and products of "Double Easy" plastic bags, adding up to 30% of regeneration resin (PCR) while maintaining excellent mechanical properties, in line with the requirements of the national standard for courier bags, and realizing the value of a single material that is easy to recycle. It has won the certificate of excellent rating of "Plastic Products Easy Recycling Design Certification" issued by a third-party authoritative organization.

  • Cultivating Public Awareness of Environmental Protection

    Cultivating Public Awareness of Environmental Protection

    SF has always been committed to raising public awareness of environmental protection. SF promotes environmental protection activities at all levels within the company to reduce GHG emissions. Moreover, the Company actively promotes the ideas of environmental protection in the society. By virtue of a wide range of environmental protection activities, SF aims to inspire the public and partners to be more environmentally conscious, to achieve green development and to build a “zero-carbon future”.

Tackling Climate Change

With the national carbon peaking and carbon neutrality strategy in mind, SF has integrated climate change into its management and operational practices, proactively identified climate change-related risks and opportunities, and strived to improve its governance performance on climate-related issues, with a view to becoming an industry leader in sustainable development.

  • Governance


    Like other types of risk, we identify and assess climate change risk in line with corporate risk management process. As the highest risk management agency, the Risk Management Committee has a clear understanding of climate change risk and develops strategies to address ESG risks including climate change risks. The Risk Control and Compliance Office is responsible for preparing the overall risk report, including climate change risks.

  • Strategy


    SF identifies risks through questionnaire survey, team discussion, expert consultation, scenario analysis, policy analysis and industry benchmarking. The risk control department conducts in-depth studies on various potential risks and assesses the risk tolerance of the Company based on their impact on the realization of risk control and management objectives.

  • Risk Management

    Risk Management

    SF constantly improves its risk management mechanism and climate risk identification and response measures. In 2022, the Company sorted out the identified climate change risks and reviewed and updated its response strategy in two dimensions: physical risks and transition risks.

  • Indicators & Targets

    Indicators & Targets

    SF is committed to measuring our achievements in addressing climate change risks and opportunities through quantitative indicators. SF will continue to disclose climate change-related environmental indicators, such as energy consumption and intensity, and greenhouse gas emissions and intensity, as well as target achievement progress in the annual Sustainability Report, and strive to achieve its carbon reduction target by 2030, so as to help China achieve the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.