Quotation will be made based on the vehicle model and mileage. The price may vary for different flows
The service is available in Chinese Mainland. For details, please contact local cold chain branches or dial 95338
The transit time varies with customer demands and specific operating hours of the route
SPP, Return Proof of Delivery, etc. For details, please refer to the introduction of value-added services
Customer type: Cash customers, credit account customers
Consignment contents:
1. Primary agricultural products: Vegetables, fruits; meat, poultry, eggs, aquatic products and so on
2. Processed food: Frozen food; semi-finished or finished products of poultry, meat, eggs and aquatic products; dairy products; catering raw materials and so on
3. Others: Fresh flowers and so on
Customer qualification requirement: Customers need to provide proof of qualification for the consignment content. For details, please consult SF customer manager or dial 95338
Temperature range for transportation: Refrigerated storage, Frozen storage
SF's cold chain logistics services will be performed in accordance with the National Food Safety Standard - Hygienic Code for Food Cold Chain Logistics (GB31605-2020)